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New Clarendon

Laurie & David Wedding Invitations - Part 1

Last year I printed wedding invitations for Laurie and David. I filmed the process of printing the invitations on the Adana 8 x 5 platen press using lead type for the cover. The inside was printed with a polymer plate. 

This short film (3m16s) shows part 1 of the printing process - printing the cover using vermilion ink on 100% recycled card. 

I hope you enjoy it!

Typesetting & Printing on the Adana 8 x 5
Printed and filmed by eightfivepress
Music ‘Daylight Ends’ by Snails © 2017

Letterpress Workshop with Kate and James


New Clarendon

James exploring typesetting with 10pt New Clarendon with a composing stick. Placing furniture and locking the type in the chase with quoins and quoin key. Printing the type on the Adana 8 x 5 using gold letterpress ink on white card stock.

Futura Berthold

Kate exploring typesetting with Futura Berthold. Typesetting directly into the chase. Placing furniture and locking type in the chase. Printing the type on the Adana 8 x 5 using gold letterpress ink on 100% recycled card stock.