Angel’s Gift For Lammas

Dear friends,

I wrote this song Angel's Gift a few years ago on this day after baking some bread! I had been reading a friend’s inspiring post, celebrating abundance, gratitude and harvest to celebrate Lammas. The song features on my album Medicine Journey which is mostly instrumental after I took a break from singing. It’s quite an experimental album where I had alot of fun exploring harmonium, (Thank you Jude Edwards for the loan of this wonderful instrument) wooden flutes and occasional use of ukulele and cuatro as a drum. The singing begins to weave its way back into the album towards the end which for me was very healing and a perfect completion for this Medicine Journey.

Thank you Lilla Duignan / Seeing Things for inspiring this song with your beautiful uplifting sharings that mark the seasons, remember the human spirit, connect with nature and the divine with pure devotion and love.

Thank you to Rita Hraiz for beautiful Dharmakaya teachings which also inspired many songs over the next few months. I'm looking forward to playing some songs at Medicine Festival this year with Rita and her amazing team of musicians. She will be guiding A Transformational Shamanic Activation to Unify and Radiate The Light Of Peace.

To give thanks for this beautiful time full of abundance I will be offering a 30% discount off my album Medicine Journey for one week. Just add this discount code at checkout: medicine

Much love to you all from Mog x o x 🕊🙏🕊