Autumnal Dreams and Stories
"No spring nor summer beauty hath such grace as I have seen in one autumnal face."
John Donne
The eightfivepress studio has been quiet over the summer. Alongside printmaking I also make music and have been working on recording songs for a new EP based on classic poems. I’m hoping to release it over the Autumn and I’ll be printing the EP covers on my adana press. I’ll keep you posted!
Letterpress Workshop
Printing dreams and stories at El Rincon Spanish Tapas Bar
El Rincon is a cosy Spanish Tapas bar and vibrant music venue tucked at the bottom of North Street, alongside South Bristol’s buzzing community of local shops and cafes and restaurants.
I set up my adana press and boxes of type for a letterpress workshop with David and Jodie.
David and Jodie bring their ideas in a journal filled with magical quotes from their 3 year old daughter. They each pick a quote to make a print and begin typesetting with a combination of metal and resin type.
Quote for Jodie’s Print
"I want to rule the World. It’s one of my dreams”
Quote for David’s Print
“Tell me a story from your mind.”
Printing the whole quote in the chase is asking alot from the adana so after setting the type we remove some of the lines of type and replace them with furniture / spacing. This way David and Jodie can print the quote in stages and get a much clearer print.
Here are the results of their hard work.
As David and Jodie finish off their last few prints, the El Rincon Tortilla Championships are about to begin...
Thanks David and Jodie for your exuberance! It was great to print with you.