A shift in frequency

Yesterday I went into a very dark place full of self pity. I reached out for help and was reminded to come back to the light. I won't go into the detail of what happened but I know that many of us can at some point find ourselves in a place of desperation and don't know what to do. Our minds become filled with doubt and extreme thoughts enter when we are in a vulnerable place. We forget to breathe. We forget to do all those things that are recommended for our wellbeing. And it's not even that we have forgotten we just don't feel we can apply any of it once we have allowed our minds to be tuned into a different frequency.

war or harmony

When I found myself in a lighter space again I was able to find some clarity. I see that everyone is trying or doing their best. Yet the problem lies not always in what people are doing or not doing but the continual judgements and blaming and shaming of what others are doing or not doing. I include myself in this. If we can be honest about our feelings without projecting blame on another person there would be be no tension and we could resolve situations that arise with more ease. Sadly we only have to look at the world at large to see in our small worlds that many prefer to be at war with one another because either we want to control the outcome or to be right or make someone else wrong instead of looking for opportunities to bring harmony.

I strive to do my best every day as I know we all are trying to do. I apologise for anything that I have said or done that has caused offence or harm. I am also aware that every thought we have, has an impact on those around us. If we continually communicate with blame whether verbally or with our thoughts we will never move forward into a more harmonious way of being with each other.

wounded or wise

I pray every day for the healing of my family and all families… that one day we stop hurting each other and try to help each other to live in peace and harmony.

I saw this quote the other day which fully resonated while I was writing this message. So many times I have chosen to become wounded instead of wise. Even this morning when I woke up I was choosing to be wounded...so in this present moment I remember I have a choice right now.

"If something unpleasant happened to you you have two choices. Either you can become wise or you can become wounded. Choose."


We always have a choice even when we are in our darkest hour. No one else can tell us who we are or how we feel. We can choose how to feel about anything that is happening. That is our power. When we come to that a place of wisdom then we find peace and love in our hearts.

(photo by Javardh @Unsplash)